Kirk Wagner, S.E., teams Up with Perisson Pulse to address SB 326 and Crucial Safety Measures for HOAs and Apartments.

Axis Consulting is proud to announce its collaboration with Perssion Pulse, a leading platform for industry insights and discussions. In the latest episode, our esteemed expert Kirk Wagner takes center stage to shed light on the imperative topic of SB326-mandated balcony inspections affecting HOAs and apartments across California.

In this exclusive session, Kirk Wagner dives deep into the nuances of SB326, elucidating who requires inspections, the qualifications of inspectors, and the essential elements inspectors seek. With a focus on real-life case studies, including close-up examinations of water damage, Wagner underscores the gravity of these safety measures, emphasizing the life-saving importance of compliance.

Watch the recorded session and gain invaluable insights from Kirk Wagner on SB326-mandated balcony inspections.


Axis Consulting announces the addition of Zdravko Salipur, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineer with an emphasis in biomechanics, to the firm.